化学教授Manjula Koralegedara与MC学生.

Natural Sciences

Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Stewardship, Teaching Licensure, Pre-Professional Programs

  • Major
  • Minor

Uncover the physical world and its phenomena.


Within the Department of Natural Sciences, we offer majors biochemistry, biology, chemistry, and environmental stewardship. 最火的十个赌博软件也提供生物、化学、环境科学和环境管理的辅修课程.

最火的十个赌博软件以学生为中心的研究设施有专门的实验室和设备,让您可以充分利用所有的实验室技术, growing your experience starting day one. Because your classes and labs are intentionally small, 你会得到老师的个人关注,而不是助教. This leads to connections lasting beyond your college years.

你将在大三开始研究,并根据你的独特兴趣选择一个研究项目. This helps you learn how to read and analyze scientific data, write proposals, 做一个科学报告,然后成为最靠谱的网赌软件的论文的主要作者,并发表在学院的科学期刊上, Cantaurus. 你的研究经验将使你成为研究生和博士项目的有竞争力的候选人.


Health Professions Scholarship

麦克弗森学院正在挑选20名新的卫生专业学者,他们将获得 $25,000 annually in scholarships to be part of this groundbreaking program. 卫生专业学者将承诺参与与麦克弗森医院和社区的签名外展计划的发展,并将保证每年一次实习.


  • Biochemistry

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Environmental Stewardship

Featured Natural Sciences Student Story

science student Keisha England
science student Parkes Wolters
  • "The support I received was unbelievable... it all prepared me for getting into medical school.”

    Keisha England '19, Biochemistry

    当凯莎得知麦克弗森学院的学生申请研究生院的比例很高,并且她可以负担得起的时候, her decision was easy.

  • “The research aspect is very unique. 我比许多与我竞争的学生准备得更充分."

    Parkes Wolters '19, Biochemistry


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Additional Programs

  • Natural Science Minors


  • Teaching Licensures

    Biology, Chemistry

  • Pre-Professional Programs

    选择一个能让你为专业培训或学士学位以外的高级学习做好准备的课程. Area include Medicine, Osteopathy, Dentistry, Optometry, Podiatry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy/Physician Assistant, Veterinary Medicine.

Experiences & Outcomes

  • Senior Research Presentation

    Student Research


    Student Research
  • PHP Science Day

    Pre-Health Professions Club

    PHP俱乐部是一群志趣相投的学生,他们计划在麦克弗森学院(McPherson College)毕业后进入研究生院,从事健康行业的职业.

    Pre-Health Professions Club

Virtual Tour

  • Melhorn Science Hall


    360 Tour & Photo Gallery
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